Please note that Hofy is affiliated with our financing partner TWO in order to provide customers with monthly credit limits and to be able to offer flexible equipment financing options.
Due to this, there may be a change to your account that you start receiving communications and invoices directly from Two instead of Hofy.
If you have any queries regarding your invoices from Two, you can contact Two support or reach out to Hofy on
By using Hofy services, organisations are able to rent or purchase equipment for their team members all around the world, quickly and efficiently.
There are many benefits to renting equipment, compared to buying it directly from retailers or suppliers and dealing with logistics on your own. But there also are benefits to purchasing equipment instead, and choosing flexible support package options on top of the chosen equipment.
With our new customisable service model, you can select the equipment and global hardware support packages that meet your business' needs. Learn about our new unbundled rental and purchase options.
When does Hofy start charging for an ordered asset?
We start charging rental fees from the day an item is delivered to your team member. Depending on your billing frequency, you can choose to pay monthly, annually or upfront. You can find more details about Payments & Billing here.
When does Hofy issue invoices for equipment to its customers?
We issue invoices at the beginning of each month. This means if you order an item and it is delivered at the end of April, it will be added to your invoice for April at the start of May.
How are invoices issued?
Hofy operates under three entities: Hofy Ltd. in the UK, Hofy BV in Europe, and Hofy Inc. in the USA.
Hofy will now group invoices by different categories, meaning you'll receive one invoice per subsidiary for each type of invoice line identified:
- Grouped by type of invoice line
- Grouped by VAT (domestic or international)
All invoices for orders serviced by Hofy BV and Hofy Ltd will be split out by Domestic VAT and International VAT, which means that depending on where your orders are delivered, you may receive two invoices from each of those entities. Here are a few examples:
- If you place orders in Holland and France (or any other EU country), you would receive two invoices from Hofy BV.
- If you only ordered in France, you would receive only one invoice from Hofy BV.
- If you place orders in UK and Kenya (or any other of Hofy's non-core countries), you would receive two invoices from Hofy Ltd.
If Hofy issues a refund on any charges, you will see these issued as separate credit notes. Credit notes will be accessible in the Hofy platform under 'Billing>Credit notes', depending on which Hofy entity issued the credit note. Credit notes will automatically apply to your next invoice due.
How can we have Hofy send invoices to another of our subsidiaries?
We issue invoices to the entity that has signed a Hofy service order agreement. If your organisation has multiple entities that would need to be invoiced for equipment and services from Hofy, we can support multiple billing entities for accounts on our Enterprise platform tier. To add an additional billing entity to your account, please reach out to your Account Manager to for a link to the subsidiary request form.
If changes within your organisation mean that you need to move contracts from one entity to another, we will need a few points of information to determine the appropriate steps forward:
- Legal name of new entity
- Registered number or EIN of this entity
- Description of the legal relationship between the two entities
- Brief summary of what's happening to the initial entity
How do we change our billing preferences?
You can make changes to the way you'll be billed for contracts in your Settings. To review or update your rental duration, service package defaults or billing frequency settings, click on your profile in the bottom-left corner then select 'Settings' > 'Payments & Billing.'
You may also choose to update your rental duration and billing frequency options for a specific team by visiting the 'Settings' tab within that team and toggling on the 'Override organisation rental terms' button. From there, you'll be able to modify the options for that specific team. More about Payments & Billing.
You can also save up to 24% by switching to upfront payments. To benefit from this discount, please change your default billing frequency in Payments & Billing to Upfront or during the process of placing a specific order.
Where can I find our outstanding invoices and invoice lines?
You can find all of your outstanding invoices, all invoice entries and charges going into the Hofy platform selecting 'Billing'.
Here, you will find:
- Pay Hofy - unpaid invoices will display on this tab, with an option to issue payment using the 'Pay Now' button. You can user the drop down menu to see invoices for different billing entities.
- Pay financing partner - any outstanding invoices will be displayed here, however they should be paid to our financing partner directly who's details are included on every single invoice.
- Paid invoices - previously paid invoices will show here, with the default filter displaying invoices from the last 4 months.
- Credit Notes - Any refunds issued by Hofy will show here. These will be automatically applied to the next open invoice.
- Invoice lines - all of your invoice lines broken down, with the relevant invoice reference, type of charge and description, current team member assignee, contract ID and the amount.
- Entity information - a list view of your subsidiary, its country, VAT number (if applicable) and currency, as well the email address(es) where invoices have been sent.
- Direct Debit - Here you can set up Direct Debit for invoices issued directly from Hofy. If you organisation receives invoice from our billing partner TWO, you will need to pay directly via TWO. Read more at the 'How to pay your Hofy invoices' link below.
How will each invoice entry read?
Each equipment charge will appear as a single line on your invoice. Please note that every charge is going to be a separate invoice line, such as purchases, repair fees and configuration fees. On our unbundled offering, your add-on warranty and hardware support packages will each be represented by a separate invoice line, as well.
If you utilise our point to point transfer service, where you transfer equipment directly from one employee to another, the name of the assignee on your invoices will remain the same and it will not update following the transfer.
Equipment rental charges will appear in this format:
Type of charge/ Employee name / employee location / item specification / contract ID / bill number / number of months billed in this charge / number of months that have been charged in total / length of contract / unique reference
New equipment purchase fees will appear in this format:
Purchase Fee / employee location / employee name / contract ID
Example invoice lines:
- Rental Fee / US / John Smith / Apple MacBook Air, M1 16GB 512GB / #CON-10A12345 / Bill #7 / 1 month billed / 7 / 36 months / Ref #00000
- Service bundle / #CON-10A12345
- Extended warranty/ #CON-10A12345
- Purchase Fee / GB / Jane Doe / Contract #CON-10A23456
Note: Global hardware support packages are invoiced as 'Service bundle' for each device contract.
If you have questions about your billing, contracts, invoices or payments, please reach out to If you have any queries regarding your invoices from Two, you can contact Two support or reach out to Hofy on
To read about all your payment options and a guide how to pay, please visit How to pay your Hofy invoices.
Save up to 24% by switching to upfront payments on your rental contracts now!
Navigate to Payments & Billing to review your current billing frequency and set up upfront payments.