Hofy has introduced a brand new integration with Stripe, allowing customers to pay by card and set up direct debit mandates directly from our platform!
While we transition to new payment options, please note some of the following details may have recently changed as we improve this experience for you. If you need any assistance paying your invoices, please reach out to support@hofy.com. Thank you.
Accessing all of your Hofy invoices
Within the 'Billing' tab on the left-hand side of your manager view, you will find all of your outstanding payments, copies of your invoices, charges by line, the option to enable direct debit and details on your entities we're sending invoices to.
Invoices are paid either directly to Hofy, or our financing partner TWO. TWO is a B2B payments provider that Hofy works with to offer flexible financing options such as monthly payments or paying on 30 day terms for equipment.
Invoices are sent to the billing email address(es) associated with your Hofy account. You may review the emails we're sending invoices to at Billing > Entity information. If you wish to also receive these emails to your inbox, please contact support@hofy.com, who will be able to add you to the invoice email list. We can send your invoices to multiple email addresses, if you wish.
Every invoice will have a due date with payment details on where to send your payment for Hofy's services or make a payment by card.
When are our invoices due?
Your agreed upon payment terms will be confirmed in your signed service order. Invoices are due either 14 or 30 days after an invoice is sent, depending on what has been noted on your service order.
Hofy expects invoices to be settled by that pre-agreed due date. If we do not receive a payment on time, the Hofy team will chase the principal contact on your account and the relevant billing contact we have on file. Unpaid invoices may result in a suspension of services.
How do I pay for my Hofy invoices?
At Hofy, we offer you the flexibility to pay the way that works best for your business. Hofy offers payment by bank transfer/ACH, direct debit and card payments. We do not accept payment by cheque and do not currently have a recurring credit card payment option.
In the 'Billing' tab, you'll find the outstanding amounts issued by Hofy Ltd, Hofy BV, Hofy Inc., and/or our credit partner, TWO. Please note that each of these entities has different banking details.
If TWO takes over billing for any of your contracts, TWO will email you directly to inform you which contracts they have taken over. You will be invoiced by TWO for these contracts thereafter.
Please check the beneficiary on all invoices carefully to ensure you are paying the correct entity.
Example of a Hofy Direct invoice:
Example of a TWO invoice (will be sent by Hofy but should be paid to TWO):
Invoices issued directly by any of Hofy’s entities can be paid directly on our platform by card or direct debit. Invoices issued by our financing partner, TWO, can be viewed on our platform but must be paid directly to TWO.
How do I pay for my TWO invoices?
While you can view invoices due to TWO in the Hofy platform, you cannot pay TWO invoices directly in the Hofy platform. All payments for TWO invoices must be made to the bank account details listed on the invoice PDF. Please include the reference stated on the invoice when issuing payment.
If you do a single transfer, please include all reference numbers separated by commas in the transfer information.
You can also view bank details directly in the platform by clicking the 'Eye' icon for each invoice listed under the "Pay financing partner" tab.
Please note, each invoice may list different bank details. It is important to check the bank details for each invoice to ensure funds are allocated accurately and in a timely manner. Payments made to the incorrect bank details may result in delays in payment processing.
Paying by card/Transfer
On ‘Billing > Pay now,’ you will see the outstanding invoices owed to Hofy directly and can pay by card or a bank transfer. You may select to securely save your card details for future payments.
If you’ve ordered equipment in multiple regions, such as in India and Europe, you’ll have received invoices from Hofy Ltd and Hofy BV, you’ll see an overview of the total amount due to each of those Hofy entities and will be able to pay each entity by separate card payments.
Paying by direct debit
We have now made it simpler to create direct debit mandates by adding the functionality to the platform; you’ll find this on 'Billing > Direct debit.' By enabling direct debit, you’ll ensure that your Hofy invoices are paid on time, automatically. However, this is only possible for your Hofy issued invoices.
You will need to set up direct debit mandates for each of your organisation's billing entities, as well as each Hofy entity that your organisation is billed from. If Hofy is billing only one of your entities, your organisation may still need to enable up to three different direct debit mandates, depending on where you've ordered equipment to.
Once your direct debit information has been entered, the status of the mandate will show as "Pending". It can take up to a few days for this status to change to "Active" once your information is submitted. Once "Active," your direct debit mandate will apply to all invoices in the future, as well as those that have already been issued for the entity to which the mandate has been created.
Payments to Hofy Ltd will be collected in GBP, payments to Hofy BV will be collected in EUR, and payments to Hofy Inc will be collected in USD, regardless of the billing currency enabled on your billing entity. Payments collected in a currency other than your entity’s billing currency will use the daily exchange rate for the date the invoice is paid.
Paying Hofy's financing partner
If your organisation pays in monthly or annual instalments for device rentals or has received an invoice from our credit partner, TWO, you can view the invoices owed to TWO on the platform at 'Billing > Pay financing partner' but cannot pay these invoices on the Hofy platform.
If you do not see this tab, you do not have any invoices issued from TWO.
Any outstanding invoices owed to TWO will need to be paid to TWO directly. TWO’s account details are provided on each invoice or can be viewed on our platform beside the link to download each invoice. You may also arrange direct debit directly through TWO by reaching out to them at hofy@two.inc.
What happens if invoices are not paid on time?
Your invoices must be paid in full by their due date.
Once an invoice is overdue you will receive regular payment reminders. Please note that depending on your payment method and the country of your bank, you may occasionally receive payment reminders for invoices you have recently paid. This is due to delays in the payments process of various banks and payment processors that are out of our control. As soon as we have received your payment(s) in full, you will stop receiving payment reminders for the relevant invoice(s).
If we have not received full payment(s) by the due date(s) you are at risk of:
- New orders being blocked
- Full suspension of all Hofy services
- Collection of all rented equipment with overdue payments
- Debt recovery through formal legal channels
- Issuance of Statutory Demands and Winding Up orders (if UK based)
If you are disputing any invoice lines, please note that we will only accept delayed payment of disputed invoice lines, if payment is withheld for non-disputed invoice lines that are part of the same invoice as disputed invoice lines, you are at risk of being put through our escalated debt recovery process.
For further details please see our Terms & Conditions
Unpaid invoices may result in suspension of Hofy accounts and services associated with our agreement.
If you need any help settling your outstanding invoices, please reach out to support@hofy.com or billing@hofy.com to contact Hofy's Finance team directly.
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