Hofy’s Device Refresh service allows you to easily track when your team member’s devices are reaching the end of their life cycle and makes it easy for you to ensure they have the latest devices to maximise productivity. By using the Device Refresh service, you can place a new order and trigger a collection of your team member’s old device all in one flow.
Device Refresh managed in the Asset Tracker
You can manage device refresh for both organisation owned assets as well as Hofy rentals in the Device Refresh tab of the Asset Tracker:
In this tab, you’ll see all devices for your organisation. The default filter shows devices over 3 years old, but you can use the device age filter to adjust the devices shown:
Setting device ages for customer owned assets
For customer owned devices (both Hofy procured and those procured outside of Hofy), you will need to add in the End of Life date under Details when the asset is being created to enable you to use the Device Refresh service:
When using the bulk upload tool, you will want to include a column in your file with the End of Life date to enable you to use our Device Refresh service:
Placing a device refresh order
When you’re ready to place a refresh order, you can use the “Order Now” button in the New Order column in the 'Device Refresh' tab in Asset Tracker.
Placing a device refresh order allows you to manage the collection of the old device easily, as the collection is automatically requested once the new device is delivered. Once the old device is collected, it is put into storage for reuse until the contract ends, either in storage or with a team member if the device has been reused.
Devices can be refreshed at any point in their contract cycle. Be sure to use the filters in the Device Refresh page to see devices that can be refreshed.
Device refresh for rental contracts managed in the contract section
You will also be able to manage device refresh for rental contracts in the “Ending Contracts” tab of the Contracts section. You will see an “Order Now” button for devices that are eligible for Device Refresh.
You can also place an order for a team member who already has a device, and the platform will prompt you to manage the order as a Device Refresh: